August 11, 2015

Bmx park

Columbus has a BMX park!! I can't describe how much fun Hudson had, he just kept going around the track and never wanted to stop. I bet he went around the track 20-30 times, his face was cherry red & his hair was matted to his head from the helmet :)

His great grandma Schneider got him this Strider balance bike for his 2nd birthday. The idea behind a balance bike is there are no pedals so it teaches a kid how to balance and glide which is really the concept of riding a bike. Once he learns to balance on this he will move to a regular pedal bike, skipping training wheels altogether. 

Josh would help him glide going down and he would pick up his feet up and grin from ear to ear. When we first got there it was just us and another boy around 7 or 8 years old. But kids just kept trickling in and there are lights on the track so they can ride even when it gets dark. The older boys were so sweet to the little ones on the strider bikes. They would stop and encourage them and show off their bikes. Hudson loved to watch them go fast and hit jumps. At the end one boy was sitting on the bleachers watching with all his gear on and he went up to Hudson and gave him a high five it was such a sweet thing. Nice that it's such a great environment and something that he can participate in at such a young age.

That's Hudson's friend Alexa in the pink!

Most of the pictures I took were at the beginning when it was just us and one other kid. 

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