October 18, 2016

Lincoln Tucker


Lincoln is talking so much & really coming into his own personality. 

He knows where are my candy is hidden and will point to it & thrust his arms viciously in the air to let me know he knows!

He can say ball, dadda, momma, shoes, hot, sock ...

He understands commands so well.

Is able to throw stuff in the trash & clean up after himself. 

He loves picking up & will most often do it without us asking. 

LOVES Hudson

Being outside

Going to the park


Is starting to love MOPS & our babysitters. (Praise the Lord!)

Can find his belly button, toes, hands, nose & my belly button.

Loves to clap & give high fives. 

He's always singing, humming a tune - and almost always dancing! 

He loves music

Is becoming a daddy's boy

Loves snack time

Oh! He loves to color & play with stickers

LOVES books

Still won't watch tv

What a gift he is!!!

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