July 17, 2015

Two Months!

Time is flying by with this sweet boy. There's not a minute of my day that goes to waste I feel like. 

Lincoln these days:

Refuses the bottle
Will only nurse
Loves being held 
Likes the swing and baby gym
Tolerates the car seat for 5ish minutes (small victories!)
Loves when you hold him and talk to him
Smiles a lot
Sleeping 5 hours at a time then 3 hours most nights. 
Sleeps on his belly only, either in his pac n play or crib
Likes to hold on to the links hanging from his baby gym 
Loves being outside
Has blow outs after being in the baby bjorn 
Eats every 3 hours 
Some nights he has a period where he nurses constantly and is kinda fussy. 
Only cries if he's hungry, needs a diaper change, wants to be held or wants me to hold him. 

Lincoln is super easygoing in comparison to his big brother :) We are so blessed to have him!!

His 2 month check up is Monday, I will let you know weight then!  He's getting chunky!!

Isn't he handsome???!!!! :) My sweet boy. 

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