December 18, 2013

7 months old

Hudson turned 7 months monday, here is what he likes these days!

Loves the Christmas tree, trains, baths, peek-a-boo, playing airplane, playing in his crib, outdoors, riding in the car, the tv, pulling people's hair :^), sitting up. He loves watching people when we are in crowds or at the grocery, he is so content with just looking around. He studies everything and he has an opinion on EVERYTHING and he will let you know it. I know babies don't talk but Hudson does he has his own language and I'm trying very hard to learn it :^) He absolutely loves to eat solids and we have started to feed him Puffs (baby cereal but they dissolve pretty quick in their mouths) and he loves it. He chews on it a very cautiously with his 2 new teeth and when he is ready for another he smacks his lips and opens his mouth - It's adorable!

One thing he isn't so big on are walks he wants to get out and walk, not that he can, but he sure thinks otherwise.  

What joy this child has brought us, so excited to spend Christmas with him. Have I told you what I'm working on for his Christmas present....a teepee! My inspiration is the picture below. I'm hoping he plays with it for years to come. Josh and I hope to complete it this weekend!

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