April 13, 2016


Have you heard the news??? My sweet sweet almost ONE year old is somehow WALKING!! I promise you it was just yesterday & we brought our sweet Lincoln home. Agh! I love these boys and the small (very small) glimpses I see of them playing nicely together. I'm so excited for our summer & I'm planning so many fun things. 

I just left MOPS where we had a speaker come talk about confidence in parenting. I needed every word she spoke.

So for now we are focusing on Hudson & encouraging him to be gentle. That is my biggest struggle with him, he has such a sweet nature but he has SO much energy & excitement and when he goes to express himself it comes out soooo rough. So today I'm working on praising him for what he's doing right. So much of my day I find is negative so I'm looking
for the positive!!

Just love these sweet sweet boys!!

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