November 5, 2015


Went to the park today and the firemen were training which means a fired trip in the fire truck for Hudson!!

Have I told you that Hudson can point out cars? I'm not talking about a dump truck or trash truck which he can point out even by the sound. But this kid when he sees a Honda Pilot, which is what I drive, he says mommy's car. Now if it's not black which is the color of mine he wil say mommy's car different color!! 

His pappy & nana drive a Honda CRV and he can point out a crv on the road and say pappy & Nan's car. He does the same with aunt Jessie's jeep!

Josh drives a silver hatchback Subaru Impreza so anytime he sees a silverSubaru hatchback he says daddy's car. Now his Aunt Liz drives a red two door sports car, Oldsmobile. So anytime he sees a red two door sports car he says Liz car, fast car! He adds the fast in because his Great Grandpa Kramper gave him a toy red Ferrari and he calls it his fast car :) I know I'm biased but he's the cutest 2 year old I know!!

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