November 19, 2013

6 months old

Hudson turned 6 months old on Saturday. 

Loves: His toes, smiling, standing, being tickled, eating solids, crowds, putting anything and everything in his mouth.  

He is really starting to teeth these days and he is cutting naps but still sleeping like a champ, 7-7 every night! Going places with him is super easy he loves being out and about and sitting in the front of the shopping cart. He loves stuffed animals, we have Pooh Bear and he acts like it's his friend by giving him kisses, pretty cute! He is sitting better and better each day and we have started giving him baths in the big tub while holding on to him - He loves being able to splash more this way. I'm going to start making his baby food in the next few weeks (once my training is over), these jars of baby food really add up! 

{This boy is all smiles all the time}

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