January 31, 2017



Hosted a baby shower this weekend for my sweet friend hannah, in the white scarf. It was such a fun time with great friends.


Josh took the boys to the commons playground & to the children's muesum across th street, they had a blast!




January 29, 2017

Friday School


Lincoln's school! Picked him up a little early Friday and he saw me and ran for me, so sweet! 

January 28, 2017



Grateful dinner out with friends!


For the SUN!!!


For boys who play together 


For the sweetest moments


For their JOY!

Gratitude turns everything into ENOUGH!!

Our week


We had a mid 50's day the other day so we spent the afternoon at the park it was so nice the sun even peeked out a few times!!





I also babysat my girlfriends daughter, Monroe, his week isn't she the cutest!!


We went to the children's Muesuem this week.








I also had these poster size prints of the boys framed up, aren't they so pretty!! And there's our usual evening activity LEGOS!! Hudson has the fever he can read the picture instructions & put it together exactly as shown, it's crazy! He has his daddy's mind. My rule during the day is no Legos because I can't put them together correctly :)

January 19, 2017



Hudson made popcorn today! I didn't get many pictures because I had to supervise, but I got a few!




These boys love eachother!!



January 18, 2017

Two boys


Not much is new here, we've just been playing a lot of legos (see above picture) & playing with a lot of cars.

Lincoln can now imitate a horse, cow, dog & chicken sound it's so cute. He's starting to play on his own transferring his cars here and there. He has 3 favorites a fire truck, taxi cab & a police car. He totes then anywhere he goes and will go vroom vroom when he pretends they're driving. 

They've started playing together fairly well at least enough to where I can make dinner quickly. Sometimes Hudson will say mom you need to come here and see what Lincoln did if he's getting into trouble. Which usually means he's spread diapers across their room, so cute!


Hudson is getting so big and becoming such a help around the house. He absolutely loves Lincoln and is always telling him where to go & what to do. Lincoln just follows him happy as can be & he always has a skip in his step. 

January 12, 2017



Nana & Pappy visited us today so we took them to our children's museum! 



Sweet boys sorta getting along. 

These boys sure keep me busy, typically he first thing they say when they wake in the morning is what did you make me mom. And we're off to the races! 

January 5, 2017

Lots of pictures







Pickleball at Nana & Pappys barn!


Hudson is pickleball ready.




This is our polar bear Bernard!



Looking out their bedroom window


Dad giving Hudson a hair cut


Hudson got to go visit daddy's work for a little bit before Christmas. 



Watching daddy shave


Morning run with the boys!