Not much is new here, we've just been playing a lot of legos (see above picture) & playing with a lot of cars.
Lincoln can now imitate a horse, cow, dog & chicken sound it's so cute. He's starting to play on his own transferring his cars here and there. He has 3 favorites a fire truck, taxi cab & a police car. He totes then anywhere he goes and will go vroom vroom when he pretends they're driving.
They've started playing together fairly well at least enough to where I can make dinner quickly. Sometimes Hudson will say mom you need to come here and see what Lincoln did if he's getting into trouble. Which usually means he's spread diapers across their room, so cute!
Hudson is getting so big and becoming such a help around the house. He absolutely loves Lincoln and is always telling him where to go & what to do. Lincoln just follows him happy as can be & he always has a skip in his step.