December 30, 2013

December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas

This sweet boy has been the greatest Christmas gift I could have ever asked for. I have learned so much as being a new mom and I'm humbled each and every day. The one thing I can really take away from this first year as being a new mom is this one...

the days that i keep my gratitude higher than my expectations are the days i have really good days

I am so blessed to have Hudson and Josh in my life and look forward to the many more Christmas that we celebrate together as a family and are reminded of the gift of Christ. 

Merry Christmas to you and your family!

 {This was during Thanksgiving weekend where we celebrate Christmas with The Rapers!}

December 23, 2013

photo recap

Sweet Hudson loves to try and wake his daddy up on the weekends. He will stroke his beard and try and open his eyelids eventually he will snuggle up against him until Josh snuggles with him. 

Hudson watching dad and mom put his teepee together. I have it almost finished! Photos will come soon, I absolutely love it!

So Hudson has 2 favorite books and if you stop reading them he will cry, he loves to read! They are flap books where you lift up to read a hidden message, he loves all these types of books.

Hudson went with me to Lowes to get wood for his teepee, he loves to shop only because every person stops to say how cute he is. Hudson first flashes them a little grin and the oohs and ahhhs begin so then he unveils the big cheesy smile and it melts over every heart and he knows they are under his spell. It happens every time :^)

Hudson playing this morning, I put this mirror on the floor because he loves to look at himself and also at the Christmas lights reflection. But these are his favorite toys these days!

December 19, 2013

christmas present

A while back my aunt sent me this picture (click here) and said she loved it. So for Christmas I thought I would make it for her. It's obviously very different but I think it turned out great, what do you think?

I just used scrap fabric I had leftover from other projects to use for the flower, and I painted the canvas an aqua teal color. Pretty simple - Now I may make one for my house too!

Shh..don't tell her - I don't think she checks my blog regularly so hopefully she won't see this before Christmas!

December 18, 2013


I love this video, what a fun family and what a way to send a Christmas card!

7 months old

Hudson turned 7 months monday, here is what he likes these days!

Loves the Christmas tree, trains, baths, peek-a-boo, playing airplane, playing in his crib, outdoors, riding in the car, the tv, pulling people's hair :^), sitting up. He loves watching people when we are in crowds or at the grocery, he is so content with just looking around. He studies everything and he has an opinion on EVERYTHING and he will let you know it. I know babies don't talk but Hudson does he has his own language and I'm trying very hard to learn it :^) He absolutely loves to eat solids and we have started to feed him Puffs (baby cereal but they dissolve pretty quick in their mouths) and he loves it. He chews on it a very cautiously with his 2 new teeth and when he is ready for another he smacks his lips and opens his mouth - It's adorable!

One thing he isn't so big on are walks he wants to get out and walk, not that he can, but he sure thinks otherwise.  

What joy this child has brought us, so excited to spend Christmas with him. Have I told you what I'm working on for his Christmas present....a teepee! My inspiration is the picture below. I'm hoping he plays with it for years to come. Josh and I hope to complete it this weekend!

December 16, 2013


We took Hudson to see Santa today and he did so well! Funny story, the computer that they use to take the picture required a password and they didn't know it. Long story short is we got to take this wonderful picture with our own camera for....Free! Yes, I saved $40 on prints! So I just sent this photo to walgreens to give to family and it cost me $2. It may not have the pretty border and it may show a fan in the background but ya know that's real life so I will take it! 

ps. Hudson LOVES trains, we need one asap! 

He sat here for 20 minutes, no kidding - he loved it!

December 12, 2013


Hudson got two teeth over the past few days. By the way, he will be 7 months next week - say what!! This little guy is a different guy lately grabbing everything in sight, he doesn't yet crawl but he can scoot, pivot and slide on his belly to get EVERYWHERE. I'm not ready for this! Oh but it's SO fun, our days are so fun! Since I finished my training at work (last friday) we have a lot more time together now that I'm back to part-time. 

I got this ergobaby carrier the other day and he loves it, and pulling my hair :^)

Josh, Hudson and I picked out a Christmas tree the other day, it was so fun -  I will post pictures soon of it all decorated! Hudson LOVES touching it and looking at it all lit up, I'm so excited for his first Christmas. I actually haven't bought him a thing yet, I'm going to make him something for Christmas that he will have for a long time - more on that later. I may buy some clothes for him since his is on the verge of busting out of his 6 month clothes! 

December 3, 2013

proud mama

Our sweet boy said his first words yesterday, Dada. Now let me lay it all out, Josh is the only one who heard until I hear it there is still hope his first words will be Mama ... right?! So the only thing I'm saying to him today is MAMA ... kidding ... well... :^) 

December 2, 2013

leaf pile

We had such a wonderful Thanksgiving with our family. Hudson was smitten with all the undivided attention he got...imagine that! Hope you enjoyed yours as well!

This is my last week of training...yahoO!! Working in the ER you see a whole new side of the world...oh the stories I have now. But I absolutely love working there!

Hudson is nearly 7 months old and changing so quick, he is on the brink of crawling. I love getting to see his personality come out each day, I'm absolutely in love with this boy. I remember when I was pregnant I thought how am I going to love him more than I love my husband. Boy oh boy how our hearts grow. Sometimes I think mine might burst from all the love I have for him.

He loves to stick his tongue out these days and always pull off his socks to chew on them then lastly he will chew on his toes.  Diaper changing is becoming near impossible!