June 30, 2013

Hudson's Photo Book

                                         Click here to view this photo book larger
I made a photo book of Hudson's first few weeks with us. 
(I hope this link works!) 
Just click above to view it... I think :^)

June 24, 2013

our new daily

Baths are one of Hudson's favorite activity, we alway swaddle him right after this and it's like magic. Once we place him in his bouncer his eyes get all doughy and they start rolling back and he gives a little smile almost to say, 'ah that was nice,' and he is asleep! 

He also loves walks with his papa in the baby bjorn, thanks wowo!!

June 17, 2013


Hudson wanted to wish his Great-Grandpa good luck during his surgery tomorrow! He is rooting you on above :^) We love you so much & know everything will turn out fine, hope you can find some rest tonight.

Hudson on his way to his baby dedication Sunday, I thought this picture was too cute. 

June 16, 2013

one month

boy how time flies! we have met a lot of first time parents lately and the first question they always ask is, "are you sleeping?" i love that this is code for, yes it's brutal but it does get better. my response always is, "when did you start sleeping?" sometimes i get responses i want to hear like of 6 or 7 weeks and then other people say oh about 12 months, i don't like that response. either way i am staying optimistic because Hudson WILL sleep longer SOON...I just know it...  :/ ... right?! please say yes!

also a very happy fathers day to josh! he is such a wonderful dad it lights up my world when i see them hanging out. even on the roughest of days josh will always say i would love 10 more babies, this is always followed by an eye roll by me...a very very very exaggerated eye roll. anyways i couldn't be happier to have such a wonderful husband help me raise our son. thank you for all you help & most of all your support and encouragement, i couldn't handle sleepless nights without you by my side. i love you!

June 10, 2013


Here are the many faces of Hudson, they are the sweetest & usually happen in the morning hours. I try and hold my camera up in attempt to snag a good picture of him smiling, his smiles melt my heart.  I have started to take baths with him at night to soothe him before bed, we are trying to learn how to avoid the infamous 'witching hour.' We are also learning how to get more sleep at night or really whenever we can! 

He loves loves loves baths, he always gives this face once placed in the water and then it quickly turns into contentment. 

This little boy sure loves his daddy & I do too! We celebrated our 1 year anniversary yesterday and I can't wait to celebrate many many more with him, I love you Josh!

June 4, 2013


Hudson wanted to send kisses to everyone!! 

Hopefully when the two of us get into a routine I will be back on here making posts, until then I think I only have time to post cute pictures of this sweet baby boy :^). But who's complaining?!