April 29, 2013


Jess ran the mini-marathon on Saturday so Joyce, Josh and I went out to cheer her on. We planned to see her at the 7 & 9 mile marker, but when we got to the 7 mile-marker we waited and waited but never saw Jess. So we went to the 9 mile-marker thinking we must have missed her, and not to long after getting there we saw her. She came over to Josh and said did Jean go into labor is that why you weren't at the 7 mile-marker, and then she saw me. It was too funny!! 

There were so many runners dressed up in costumes or running for a cause, the top picture is of a UPS driver running for all his co-workers, he was even carrying a UPS letter - by far my favorite!!

This two were dressed up in the classical elvis outfits, they even belted out a few lines as we cheered for them!

Joyce & Josh looking for Jess!

We found her, she even had a smile on her face!!

April 26, 2013

cloth diapers

We got our cloth diaper stash in, these are josh's favorite - imagine that - not sure you can read it but at the bottom in the middle it says, "I'm a Genius." Pretty darling?! We have ones in all types of colors, I tried to stick to neutrals since we do plan on having more kiddos....one day :^).  When we received this particular diaper josh looked at it and said, "Oh, it's nuclear physics." -- He sure is cute. 

The brand of diapers we got are Bumgenius Elemental, they are the all-in-one diapers so there is no need for inserts they come all together. We plan on using all the newborn disposable diapers we received during the first few weeks unto his umbilical cord falls off. Then transition into cloth diapers, we bought 16 to start with we figured once we get into a routine we can decide if we need a few more. The only problem with getting more is then you don't wash but every 4 or 5 days and to me that spells trouble. I would prefer to wash more often than that. 

Have a wonderful weekend!

April 24, 2013

road to success

I think everyone has faced that time when they are asking themselves  "What in the world am I doing?" I know I have numerous times, it does always seem like the end of the world when you are in that spot,  but next time just think of this illustration!

A few fun facts from a slideshow of 26 people who failed at first:
* Dr. Seuss's first book was rejected by 27 different publishers.
* Thomas Edison's teachers told him he was "too stupid to learn anything."
* Walt Disney was fired by a newspaper editor because he "had no good ideas."
* The first time Jerry Seinfeld went onstage, he was booed away by the jeering crowd.
* Oprah Winfrey was fired from her television reporting job because they told her she wasn't fit to be on screen.

Baby Shower

My dad's side of the family threw me a charming baby shower on Sunday, my aunt even made this watermelon stroller to go with the theme! I love the simple cake with Hudson's initials, they really outdid themselves! 

We had a great time all getting together, my aunt bought a ton of newborn diapers and had a few Sharpie's for people to write notes on the diapers for those late night diaper changes! 

My mom's girlfriend, Yangjen, knitted the hat and baby booties, she said they took her an hour to make, can you even imagine!? Such a sweet gift! My aunt Kelly had her girlfriend knit us the owl hat which I love. 

I've finally finished cleaning up his room and sorting through all his gifts, we sure are blessed to have almost everything we need for when he arrives. Couldn't have done it without our amazing family and friends - He sure is a lucky boy!!

April 17, 2013

6 weeks!

I have my last baby shower on Sunday with my dad's family and a few friends, after that I suppose I need to pack my hospital bag and make sure we have all our ducks in a row.  

We have completed all the house projects we wanted to get done before he gets here, which is a big relief. The best news is I only have 8 days of class left, I have to say I didn't think I would make it in this course but I'm pretty excited that I survived and now I'm almost finished! 

April 15, 2013

counting calories?

Not that I'm currently counting calories but what a great reminder of what 2000 calories looks like. I've had a few days during my pregnancy where I'm embarrassed to say I may OR may not have ate 2000 calories in a bag of M&M's...(sigh).  

Luckily I'm doing great on the weight gain, never hurts to indulge every now and again, right?!

April 13, 2013

April 10, 2013

Baby moon

We had a wonderful trip last weekend that we called our babymoon. Josh's friend invited us to his lake cabin, and his wife just so happens to also be pregnant, she is actually 20 days ahead of me. It was such a wonderful time and the weather was absolutely beautiful. We sat outside and made a Bon fire and we even made s'mores after dinner. Josh and I realized that we have less than 7 weeks before the baby comes, it's hard to imagine how much life is going to change.
My mom found all of our baby pictures and stuff she put away for us the other day, so at the bottom is a picture of both of my grandmas at my baptism with my mother. Soon they will be holding Hudson!

April 7, 2013

weekend projects

{We were having problems with the mulch coming over into the driveway so Josh built this edging, we also laid mulch down}
{Our newly stained deck!}

{After the nerve racking UofL win - That's Kevin Ware's jersey number I'm holding up!!}

{Celebrating with Ice Cream after the game!}

April 4, 2013

our everyday

Dairy Kastle has re-opened for the summer, my big craving is chocolate with chocolate sprinkles and some TUMS on the side! 

Walking at the park on a beautiful spring day. 

Tomorrow we are going to spend the night at our friends cabin in Indiana. His wife is also pregnant, she is due 20 days before me, so we are calling it our babymoon. I'm excited!! 

I hit 32 weeks yesterday, Hudson weighs 4.6 lbs and is 20 inches long, roughly, he is doing great!!

April 3, 2013

walk in the park

Josh and I walked the bottom of Iroquois Park Monday, I felt great after walking but was on the couch for the evening exhausted. Only 7 weeks and 6 days left!! I kept telling josh how I could run this park and not even be in the least bit tired, now it takes me almost twice as long to walk and I'm done for the day after a simple walk, crazy!! 

 It's josh's spring break so we are working on lots of projects around the house before the baby makes his appearance. Well let's rephrase that - Josh is working on lots of projects, I'll be supervising if you know what I mean :^)

I'm in the countdown mode at school we have 17 more class days!! 

April 1, 2013

our weekend

{my handyman!}

{easter at jessie's}

{NCAA tournament in Indianapolis, go cards!!}

That is our weekend in a nut shell! Do you see that belly on me, Hudson has really grown, he is a little over 4 lbs! Crazy to think he will be here in 8 weeks!! We had so much fun in Indianapolis and had a wonderful Easter with family, so much to be thankful for!