i made some homemade samoas over the weekend, i even made the caramel from scratch. they came out great, i would say they have a pretty similar taste to the original girl scout cookies but not the exact flavor. i'm not sure i will ever attempt this recipe again it took me 3 hours to make these, i was exhausted, needless to say.
we have our last two tests of this semester tomorrow and thursday - i'm SO ready for spring break!!! i'm especially ready for the baby shower on sunday & to see so many friends and family who are visiting!
as far as pregnancy things are good, my iron is low so i started taking iron pills everyday. sleep is getting harder, i spend most nights laying in bed trying to fall asleep and trying to get comfortable. the other half is spent using the restroom, the baby is head-first with his head in my pelvis which is right where my bladder lies. i spend a lot of nights awaken by his movements, i am always wondering what he is doing in there. we have begun to talk about birth plans with my doctor, she has recommended me to take lamaze classes since i'm at a high-risk for an epidural. it's funny to talk to people about their views on epidurals, a lot of people have said. 'it can't be done without one,' i always reply with, 'well i won't be the first.' so hopefully the lamaze classes help me with the ability to get through the pain!