a friend suggested this wonderful home remedy for when you're feeling sick and i'm feeling just that. i've been trying not to take medicine while pregnant but i broke down yesterday and took the minimal does with the approval from my doctor. i also made some of this delicious tea.
Step 1: Peel and chop ginger into chunks. For 1 cup, aim for about 1 heaping Tbs. You want to slice it
up so the properties of the ginger will seep into the tea, but don’t make the pieces too
small-otherwise you’ll get a bunch of “floaters” that will keep coming up to the surface.
Step 2: Heat up water. It can boil, or if you can catch it right before it starts to boil that would be great.
Turn off the heat, and let the water cool down for a minute. Pour the hot water over the ginger
pieces, which you’ve placed at the bottom of a large coffee mug. Let the hot water steep over the
ginger by itself for about 2 minutes. The ginger needs longer time for its flavor to fully unleash.
Step 3. Cut a lemon in half.
Step 4: After waiting at least 2 minutes, the ginger and hot water should be cooled down enough that you could pick up the mug with your hands and start to sip it. At that time, squeeze half a lemon into the mug. If you have a hard time with lemon, do at least 1/4 of a lemon, and build yourself up. But 1/2 would be ideal!
Step 5: Give at least one good shake of cayenne pepper right into the tea. If you can handle spice, like me, you can try 2 shakes! Don’t overdo it though.
i'm hoping this speeds up this cold!