October 30, 2012

star struck

liz met taylor swift last night at walgreens of all places :^) 

when she saw this picture she stopped dead in her tracks so i made her take a picture with her!!

October 29, 2012

fall barn dance

 we spent saturday at my in-laws for their annual barn dance. the weather was beautiful and it was cold enough to need a fire so we used their fire pit.

jessie made this wreath for us which is now on our front door, we absolutely love it!

October 24, 2012

Japan Juggling Championship

i'm absolutely amazed, Yanazo takes the stage for six minutes of contact juggling, where balls are maneuvered on the jugglers body rather than up in the air. Yanazo earned first place for this performance at the 2012 Japan Juggling Festival Championship.

{via colossal}

October 22, 2012

October 19, 2012

baby update

we had our first ultrasound this week & the baby is doing great (& mama too). right before i had the ultrasound i was telling my mother-in-law how it doesn't feel real. welp right when i saw the baby's heart beating and then heard how fast it was going my heart swelled up and i'm officially in love!

i also never fully understand what pregnancy symptoms were in their full effect, well i can tell you now. combating nauseous is no joke. the fatigue that sets in puts a damper on any plans you may have made. 

i also have my first pregnancy food craving: olives, vinegar, specifically the greek salad from panera i can't get enough of this. it's the only thing i want to eat. i need to find the recipe!

have a great weekend, i'm working on a few projects around the house over the weekend & hopefully josh will finally install the garage door opener this weekend. cross your fingers!

October 17, 2012

3D art

these drawings are by artist Ramon Bruin a 3D artist, to view more of his work click here.

how inventive?! 

{via colossal}

October 16, 2012


i'm completely gulity of this, ha, maybe on a daily basis even!

ha, so true!

a great moto for vacation!

a great mantra to live by.

{via cup of jo}

October 15, 2012

red river gorge

we welcomed fall this weekend with a camping trip to Red River Gorge. the colors were amazing, the temperature was ideal, i wouldn't have changed a thing!

October 10, 2012

traveling: columbus, ohio

the past weekend we went up to Columbus, Ohio to visit my aunt, uncle and cousin. they took us to an italian festival where we find the bread above - there were booths for everything and as you can imagine the food was delicious! 
{italian fold dancers above}
they also took us to hayfield waterfall near their home. here's a cute story: they took a picture of me in front of the waterfall because my aunt eileen has a picture of my mom pregnant with me in front of the waterfall. pretty cute?!

i'll post those pictures together sometime, i need to get the one of my mom from eileen!!

 one of the main reasons besides seeing family was because josh wanted to tour where my uncle greg worked, battelle. this photo is completely illegal after i snapped the pic the security guard told me no pictures, woops :^)
my aunt and uncle also wanted to surprise us with a baby gift, this GIANT stuffed animal haha. they are actually just trying to get rid of it, kyle one it at a fair years ago.

October 3, 2012


well today was my first doctor's appointment, so i guess it's official - we're pregnant!

we took the picture above on the day we found out, but have kept our secret under wraps just to be sure. needless to say, we are so excited! 

i did find out today that i'm further along than i thought & the baby's due date to make an appearance is May 7th. my grandma thinks i'm having a derby baby, :^) i guess we will have to wait and see.

our baby will be the first great grandchild on both sides of my family, which i love since i was the first grandchild on both sides of parents families. they will be so lucky to know their great grandparents & grandparents too. 

October 1, 2012

brunch: anchorage cafe

josh took me to anchorage cafe saturday morning for a delicious brunch for my birthday.
 (this is the start day of my head cold so i look a little sick!) 
i also received the sweetest gift in the mall from my grandmother for my birthday (which is today!)
thanks so much grandma, i love your gifts soooo much :^) and this one was especially great!

well happy birthday to me!!